F.A with Sharia / I.Com with Sharia

Day Scholar  Boarder
Admission fee  19000  Admission Fee  24300
Monthly fee  5400  Monthly Fee  12900
At the time of Admission  24400/-  At the Time of Admission  37200/-


I.C.S with Sharia

Day Scholar  Boarder
Admission fee 19500  Admission Fee  24800
Monthly fee  6050  Monthly Fee  13550
At the time of Admission  25550/-  At the Time of Admission  38350/-


F.A without Sharia / I.Com without Sharia

Day Scholar  Boarder
Admission fee  15800  Admission Fee  21100
Monthly fee  3800  Monthly Fee  11300
At the time of Admission  19600/-  At the Time of Admission  32400/-


I.C.S without Sharia

Day Scholar  Boarder
Admission fee  16900  Admission Fee  22200
Monthly fee  4400  Monthly Fee  11900
At the time of Admission  21300/-  At the Time of Admission  34100/-


Only Sharia

Day Scholar  Boarder
Admission fee  16500  Admission Fee  21800
Monthly fee  4800  Monthly Fee  12300
At the time of Admission  21300/-  At the Time of Admission  34100/-